Unable to restart the Email Router service

Ever got 'The E-mail Router service could not run the service main background thread. The E-mail Router service cannot continue and will now shut down' while re-starting the MS CRM Email Router Service.

The trace logged is :

"System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: The E-mail router service cannot access system state file Microsoft.Crm.Tools.EmailAgent.SystemState.xml. The file may be missing or may not be accessible. The E-mail Router service cannot continue and will now shut down. ---> System.Xml.XmlException: Root element is missing."

Root Cause: The Microsoft.Crm.Tools.EmailAgent.SystemState.xml file is corrupted.

1. Browse to 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft CRM EmailService'. Delete the Microsoft.Crm.Tools.EmailAgent.SystemState.xml file.

2. Restart the Microsoft Dynamics CRM E-mail Router Service.The Microsoft.Crm.Tools.EmailAgent.SystemState.xml file is re-created.

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