CTP3 for MS CRM 5.0 now available!!
CTP3 for MS CRM 5.0 now available!!
The main features offered by CRM 5.0 include:
1. Features for end users
- Enhanced Navigation - A “Fluent UI” like Office 2007
- Single Page Forms - Single scrolling page, “quick access” navigation shortcuts and less pop-ups and clicks to complete common task
- Data Filtering –In-line filtering like Excel, visualization of numeric data using in-line charts and availability of drill through charts
- WSS integration -Document management, site and document library provisioning and check-in check-out capabilities.
- Team ownership for entities
2. Features for Administrators and Customizers
- Filtered Lookups :)
- Solution Management -A single unit solution (a defined set of entity customizations, workflows, e-mail templates, security roles, plug-ins etc.), version controlled solution and ability to specify selected attributes for exporting
- “Global Picklists” at solution level that are re-usable across multiple entities.
- Drag and Drop form editor
- New server role for running custom code
- Plug-In Transaction support
- .Net 4.0 Support out of the box
- LINQ for CRM
Read more about CRM 5 at
and CTP3 for CRM 5 at http://blogs.msdn.com/crm/archive/2010/03/25/microsoft-dynamics-crm5-technology-preview-released-worldwide-on-premises-and-online.aspx
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