Leverage The Power Of Dynamics Live For Your Business

Its a chilly winter night and I just bothered to sneak into MIX Conversation Video over you tube and finally i realized the power of Dynamics CRM and how it aids web based Line of business applications development. Sometimes I wonder why people get so crazy about CRM application development and  I have seen the CRM buffs in my organization trying new things now and then ranging from Telemarketing to Bing Maps Integration to SMS Integration with Dynamics CRM and CRM Live and then I thought why not to expose the power of Dynamics Live for the readers of this blog.

As all of you know Microsoft Dynamics CRM is not just an Account or Contact Management Suite. It incorporates Sales, Service and Marketing as well. I guess this product has hit the roots in the Sales Force sector. This CRM Suite really fascinates people with its rich set of integrated technologies, Business Analytics and extensiveness. It has deep process automation and one fine day we could see this suite expanding branches in all enterprise domains.

With the launch of Dynamics CRM Suite a wave crossed the minds of CRM geeks on how to customize an entirely new product. Over the years Microsoft has been providing constant support with Web Services, APIs to aid easy development and customizations and provide a good night sleep to all the developers.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Live combines your everyday productivity applications with powerful online CRM software to improve marketing, boost sales, and bolster customer service interactions.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Live equips business professionals with online and offline access to customer information through a suite of marketing, sales, and service solutions within a familiar Microsoft Office Outlook interface to ensure quick results and process automation.

For Sales

Enable salespeople to create a single view of the customer with tools that streamline and automate everyday sales processes promoting shorter sales cycles, higher close rates, and improved customer retention. Microsoft Dynamics CRM Live gives sales professionals fast access to customer data and history online or offline so they can work smarter and spend more time selling rather than sipping more and more coffe along side searching customer data . It has strong integration with third party applications like communication server and Skype to aid sales people to quickly communicate with customers. I wonder if later on they integrate a video tool with this suite for visual meetings.

For Marketing

Powerful campaign management features, and  insightful marketing analytics to increase the effectiveness of marketing programs, generate demand, and better track key performance indicators. It provides comprehensive tools to monitor results for better performance. It also supports bulk mailing and email campaigns. I would definitely promote this CRM Suite for Marketing sector.

For Service

Deliver customer information, to the desktops of customer service people, giving them the tools to deliver consistent, efficient service that enhances customer profitability. Microsoft Dynamics CRM Live provides a comprehensive customer service solution that is familiar to users, and is completely customizable to match support process.

Using your Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, one can quickly create online CRM solution and begin transforming your business right away. Start using the marketing, sales and service capabilities in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Live. It provides configuration capabilities to quickly add or modify fields, forms, workflow, and reports to tailor it to fit your business needs.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Live helps ensure that customer data is available when and where it’s needed and in the necessary format through the user interface, web-services interface or as a file.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Live works in a way that is familiar to users. Whether accessed online through a browser or Microsoft Office Outlook, users can work in an environment they already use and understand.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Live can fit the unique needs of any size business and can adapt and grow as your company grows without expensive upgrades to hardware. This will definitely ensure huge money in your wallets.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Live comes in two versions Professional and Professional Plus. Both editions offer a full suite of sales, service, marketing, and analytics functionality.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Live Professional has the following capabilities.
  • Data Storage per Organization 5GB 
  • System Customization 
  • Workflow Automation 
  • Microsoft Office Integration
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Live Professional Plus has the following capabilities.
  • Data Storage per Organization 20GB
  • System Customization 
  • Workflow Automation 
  • Microsoft Office Integration
  • Offline Data Synchronization

Microsoft Dynamics Live has come out as a lifeline for thriving businesses as well as startups.
Recently I heard a loud noise about Microsoft Office Live and lets see how far it helps to make businesses better. I would definitely share some more information about Microsoft Office live in my next post.


  1. Nice blog ! Thankyou for sharing such a quality of information.To know more about crm system click on : CRM Systems


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