
Showing posts from February, 2010

Update Rollup 9 is available for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0

The latest cumulative update rollup for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 has been released on Feb 11, 2010. The details of which can be accessed at: Update Rollup 9 can be downloaded at:

Error publishing a workflow with an Email step

Recently I created a test workflow to send an email when a new task is assigned to any MS CRM user. Everything was in place but somehow the workflow just didn't publish and I kept getting the message: "An error occured when the workflow was being created. Try to save the workflow again." This was what was logged in the MS CRM trace logs: "Activity 'SendEmailStep4_policy' validation failed: Property "RuleSetReference" has an invalid value. Rule set is invalid. Rule "main" validation failed. Type System.Globalization.CultureInfo is not marked as authorized in the application configuration file." And here is where I found the resolution: Add the following entries in the web.config file for Microsoft Dynamics CRM: <!-- * CRM SE 6681 V4: Hotfix needed for CRM Workflows before WF.Net security patch --> <authorizedType Assembly="msc...

Microsoft.Crm.WebServices doesn't exist for custom web page

Ever got this error while trying to access a custom web page from your virtual directory hosted in Microsoft Dynamics CRM/ISV folder: Microsoft.Crm.WebServices.Crm2007.MultipleOrganizationSoapHeaderAuthenticationProvider, Microsoft.Crm.WebServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' doesn't exist This typically also appears while accessing you custom web page for the first time on a 64 bit CRM box. The reason for the error is that CRM adds 2 HttpModules (MapOrg and CrmAuthentication) to web.config in the root of the CRM website. The CrmAuthentication HttpModule is in the microsoft.crm.webservices.dll assembly, which is not in the path of the custom virtual directory. There are two solutions to this. Either: 1. Add microsoft.crm.webservices.dll to the bin folder of your web site and then add it to the global assembly cache. Run iisreset. OR 2. Remove the CrmAuthentication HttpModule from the virtual directory. To remove the HttpModule, add the fol...

Salesforce vs Microsoft Dynamics CRM - What will you choose for your growing business?

I  went across the features of both Salesforce CRM and Microsoft Dynamics CRM , after complete analysis I could draw the following comparisons and how Microsoft Dynamics CRM competes with SalesForce Configuration Salesforce supports On Demand Configuration where as Microsoft Dynamics CRM supports On-Demand, On-Premise and Partner Hosted setups. Interface Salesforce has a web based access wherein Microsoft Dynamics CRM provides its users both Web Based and Native access through Microsoft Outlook. Microsoft CRM also provides Off - Line Access with all its versions and editions whereas off line access is limited to Enterprise editions in Databases There is no dedicated database in and there is a storage limit of 1GB or 120MB/User in all versions. Dynamics CRM has dedicated Databases. Storage varies from 20GB to 5GB depending on installation. Web Service Support Web Service Support is only available in Enterprise and Unlimited Versions where...